We provide 3 widgets that you can embed in your online store.
For any questions related to integration, you can write to our support.
Cart widget
It is embedded on the checkout page, allowing the buyer to choose the most convenient and suitable delivery method in terms of time and cost.
For quick integration with popular CMS are available modules and plugins.
Key features
Websites already using our widget
Card widget
It is embedded on the product page and displays the approximate delivery time and cost of this product to the buyer.
The widget takes into account the cost of the product, its dimensions, as well as the city of delivery.
Key features
You can install this widget on your site, displaying it either on a separate page, or in a modal window that opens by clicking on the button.
The widget will allow your customers to track the status of their order in real time.
Tracking demonstration order numbers: 10032298, 10032301.